Barrage - ext. Connection Colorado (FR)


The Colorado Connection is an expansion for Barrage, and you need the base game to play it. You can also combine the Leeghwater Project expansion with the Colorado Connection. This expansion includes a specific board located in the Colorado region and introduces a new mechanic: Bridges. The Colorado board features two new elements: Bridge Construction Sites and Production Establishment Areas. The rivers depicted on the board wind through deep canyons, creating clear physical separations between defined regions: the presence of Bridges built atop the dams makes it easier to connect the Production Establishments of each region.


UPC : 5425037741378

Number of players: 2 to 4
Language: FR
Ages: 14 years
Duration: 60 to 120 min
Publishers: Intrafin
Cloudspire Campaign: 2024
Categories: ALL
Sub-categories: Expert games
Categories: GAMES

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